Friday, May 13, 2016

Hydro Gel as a substitute for Soil for Plants

Nowadays many people and run against some of the plants that have its characteristics and also has a species of flowers and leaves that are unique and exciting.

For some people living a city a dense population, it 's hard to find land that is quite extensive and fertile ground for expression and developed his hobby.

One invention that can be: "Hydro Gel" can answer this challenge.

Specifically for plants (indoor), the hydro gel is arguably a new alternative for lovers of plants with land limited. Money that should be from plant lovers bag-not too much different from when we use media land.

We know hydroponics use only stones which can store water or crop irrigation system that is set up in such a way. But now, you can grow a hydroponic manner that uses media hydrogel.

Hydrogel polymer is good, namely:
-synthetic (e.g. Polyacrylamide and Polyvinyl alcohol),
-natural (e.g., alginate and Gelatin), or
-The biology (e.g., Collagen and Amnion) reply contains/can absorb water.
Can Biodegradable Hydrogel, could not. Because these qualities are very useful for Hydrogel absorbant/water reservoir, immobilisation and release of specific substances (e.g. drugs, fertilizers, perfumes, and vitamins) and have prospects for tissue engineering. In some places, a mixture of hydrogel and the ground to slow drought water on crops or for the purpose of fostering arrangements already developed.
Hydrogel we discussed now is a result of the developments in the fields of plantations which purportedly capable of storing 400 times the weight of the water. Due to the nature of this is the hydrogel capable of replacing the medium soil, rock, or water, though. Also, the planting look more beautiful by using hydrogel has easier treatments. If the plants can adapt well, we just simply menyemprotnya of one to two months just once. Also, the hydrogel is also used for arranging cut flowers fresh longer to survive.
Treatment Of Hydrogel

1. when it has been about a month seen hydrogel shrink,  hydrogel in water using a hand sprayer. The water given do not too much up may cause the inundation on the glasses which would result in corruption at the root,

2. Or, for the addition of a more perfect water, separate Your hydrogel from the plant, and then soak it in the warm water for approximately 30 minutes, until fluffy again. While plants soaked in clean water in a separate place. When Your hydrogel consisting of a mixture of more than one color, separate them into a container of a different marinade. Then, drain the hydrogel and ready to be placed back into the glass,

3. the Hydrogel never too often held or soaked in water, just one time within 1 to 2 months only, in order not to damage the flower power shrink hydrogel. Unless Your Hydrogel mossy, then you can do the step no. 4 without having to wait one month,

4. If the glass and hydrogel mossy look and smell, immediately remove Your hydrogel and rinse with warm water until the Lumina is lost, then the hydrogel can be reused,

5. Fertilization can be given 3 to 6 months or if the plant nutrient deficiencies look when in sunlight. Fertilizing is done by spraying fertilizer leaves using a handsprayer. Fertilizer that can be used such as Gardasil, hype ex, forest, and the like, with an appropriate dose of the label on the packaging. Can be found in stores for agriculture,
6. So that the plants stay fresh, preferably placed in a room with a cool temperature (not stuffy).
Removal Of Plants
1. Siramlah first potted plant so easily repealed,
2. Lift up the plant from the pot carefully so as not many roots are broken,
3. Soak the plants in water for CA. 1 hour so that the soil is easy to clean from the root,
4. Wash all parts of the plant with clean water until the entire leaf, stem, and perakarannya clean. Rooting too long can be cut,
5. save the plants in a container of water overnight so that it can adapt, crops.
6. once adopted, putting away the damaged roots, broken, or rot. The plant then washed again,
7. Plants must be completely clean off the ground because the ground can make damaged hydrogel hydrogel and making easy the overgrown Moss,
8. Plants ready to put in the media of hydrogel. First of all insert the hydrogel part, roughly a quarter of the volume of the glass), then enter the plant, and then enter the rest until all the roots of hydrogel enclosed.
Some of the main causes of the failure of the plant with the hydrogel, which resulted in crop withering/died:
1. less cool, Room (stuffy/hot & too humid). There is no reflection of the rays. Terhambatnya air flow,
2. Pentosan hydrogel in less than 30 minutes, causing puddles of excess that makes root so rotten,
3. The roots were too much cut. Should root adapted to the conditions of the vase, not too dense.

The plants are to be planted in a hydrogel must have the following characteristics: resistant puddle (excess moisture), resistant to high humidity, indoor plants (which can live with reflected light or indirect light), as well as generally not Woody and not flowering. If you've got fun planting in this way you will certainly keep trying with different types of other plants.
Flowering takes a great light, while the light that will make hydrogel mossy. Plants like cacti, Rose, Orchid, jasmine, ylang-ylang, Banyan, Palm, cannot be grown in the hydrogel. Plants such as lilies, water hyacinth, and similar, is also not suitable planted with hydrogel because it requires a very high water supply and need direct sunlight.
The types of crops that can be planted up to this point in a hydrogel are Aglaonema sp, Anthurium SP. (various types of elephant ear), Diffenbachia sp, Philodendron sp, Dracaena sp (Chinese bamboo, Japanese bamboo), Scindapsus sp (betel), Spathiphyllum, Syngonium sp-sp, Cyperus sp (grass), Cordyline sp (various types of Cordyline), (Philodendron leafy side), ornamental grasses (green with a white stripe on the side of the leaf and tuber conditioned) Fortune, sansevieria, bamboo, ornamental betel, as well as plants vegetables such as lettuce and Cress, crisis.
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Create media for planting vegetables in polybag

The planting medium is one of the important factors that determine in farming activities. Planting media will determine both the poor plant growth, which in turn affects the results of production. Planting media types are very numerous and diverse. Moreover, with the development of various methods of farming, such as hydroponics and aeroponics.
Each type of plant takes the nature and characteristics of different planting media. For example, fruit crops need planting media characters with different vegetable crops. Fruit plant requires a solid growing medium to sustain plant growth is relatively larger, while vegetable plant needs more leaves the planting medium conducive and quickly penetrated the root.
Well, this time, we will be discussing the planting medium used for cultivation of organic vegetables in a polybag or pots. Materials used is a material widely available in nature and can be done yourself. How shall we describe suitable for organic cultivation because it does not use additional chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and other drugs?
Good planting media terms
The planting medium has the functionality to support the plant, providing nutrients and provide a venue for plant roots to grow and develop. Through the planting of vegetation, media get most of his nutritional. For cultivation in pots or containers polybag planting media, created as a replacement for the land. Therefore, it should be able to replace the function of the land for the plant.
A good growing medium must have the properties of the physical, chemical and biological needs of plants. In General, a good growing medium must have termed as follows:
Able to provide space for growing root crops, and also able to sustain plants. That is, the media should be conducive to plant so that plant roots can grow good and perfect, but still pretty solid hold of hearts and shore up the road in order not to fall. If the media is too loose, the growth of the root will flow freely however the plants will be too easily disconnected. Otherwise, once is too dense, the sources will be difficult to grow.
Has good porosity, meaning that it could keep the water at the same time also have drainage (ability drain water) and aeration (oxygen flow capabilities). The planting medium should be able to retain soil moisture but should be able to throw away the excess water. The porous planting media has an empty cavity between its material. The media is the is penetrated water, so water is not inundated in a polybag or pots. But on the other hand, the cavity air spaces should be able to absorb water (hygroscopic) to be kept as a reserve and retain moisture.
Provides a pretty good nutrient elements macro as well as micro. Paramount nutrient for plant growth. This nutrient can be supplied from the fertilizer or the activity of the microorganisms contained within a planting media.
Does not contain the germ of the disease, the planting medium should be clean from pests and diseases. Pests and diseases are included within a planting media can attack crops and lead to the deaths at the plant. The planting medium should not be sterile because much of the land microorganism is very beneficial for plants, but it should be hygienic from the seeds of disease.

Ingredients for organic planting media
There is a lot of variety of materials that can be used to make the planting media ranging from natural to synthetic. But in this occasion, we will only limit on some organic material widely available in natural, cheap and easy to make.
a. land (the main ingredient)
Good soil for planting medium should be taken from the inner layer (top soil). In general, there are two types of land that is to be aware of IE land of sand and clay soils. The sandy soil that has excellent drainage capability, quickly drain the water but the disadvantage the poor soil in storing water as a backup. While the ground clays are harder to penetrated by water so that will make the water inundated in planting media. Good soil to plant a medium not too gritty and not too loose; clays.
b. Compost or humus
Compost is organic matter that serves as a provider of nutrient for the plant. Compost used for compost is dense planting media; please read the type and characteristics of the fertilizer. Almost all types of solid fertilizer can be utilized as raw material for planting media.
The addition of organic materials such as compost or humus on planting media can improve the physical structure of the soil and enhance cation exchange capacity. The compost should be added to the compost that has matured. Immature compost could potentially bring in pests and disease. Besides the element is difficult because not decompose plant absorbed in full.
In addition to the compost, humus can also make use of the forest. Humus soils have a high nutrient content. When your location is close to the woods, soil humus can be found easily. The best places are the fern plants followed.
Elements of other organic material can also be used as a substitute for compost or humus-like manure or green manure. It just needs to be underscored, we recommend using green manure or have matured properly and moreover already shaped granule like soil. The use of manure that immature risky carry pests in plants.
c. Charcoal husk or coir
Husk Charcoal burning was a result not of rice husk. Charcoal husk is useful to increase the porosity of the soil. Adding charcoal shell on medium for planting will improve the structure of the planting medium because the particles have an effect on the movement of water, air and maintain moisture.
Benefits of charcoal to neutralize the acidity of the husk can land, neutralize toxins, increase your connective power of soil to water, stimulates the growth of beneficial microbes to plants, making loose soil which improves drainage and aeration of the ground. Charcoal better than husk rice husk, shell charcoal because already experiencing burning that could eliminate the seeds of disease or pests that might have been shipped.
Also, shell charcoal may also use leftover coir (coco peat). Coir has properties such as charcoal chaff. The choir was growing medium suitable in dry areas with little rainfall. Coco coconut skin part is taken from an old one.
How to make organic planting media
Here's how to embed media how to make poly bag or pot with the use of raw materials that have been explained above. To make a good cropping required media element in soil, water or Binder storage materials and provider of nutrient elements. Raw materials to be used in the following tutorial is the land of top soil, compost, and charcoal chaff. The following the steps:
Prepare the soil looks fertile, loose soil and better taken from the very top. Then sift the ground up to be fine-grain grains. Try to land in a dry state so it's not lumpy. Ground rotate will cause the ingredients not mixed with snow showers.
Prepare the compost that has been cooked; it can be of type regular compost, bokashi compost or Taka Kura. Sift the compost or humus to the beautiful grain.
Prepare charcoal chaff; please read how to make charcoal the chaff.
Mix soil, compost, and husk charcoal in a container. The composition of the mixture is two parts 1 part compost, soil and 1 part charcoal shell (2:1: 1). Mix until evenly distributed.
Prepare a pot or polybag, enter the mix into it. The planting medium is ready to use.
Just a note, all three of these raw materials can also be mixed with the composition of the 1:1: 1 or 2:1: 1. Which one is best for you, of course depending on the plant type and availability of resources. Regarding the results, some studies show different things. Better try it for try and error.
The planting medium is very useful when we want to grow vegetables in a polybag or pots. Methods such as this match are applied in a limited or narrow land. The following is an example of the application of cultivating vegetables in a poly bag.
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Thursday, May 12, 2016

Hydroponic plants to beautify your home

We all know that Hydroponic Crop planting is done with the use of media in addition to the land and water that have been given nutrients or fertilizers for its growth. Of course, the nutrients water must have the required content of plants either macro or micro. To choose hydroponics nutrients, generally, the hobbyists using hydroponics nutrients AB MIX.

On this occasion, we will be learning to plant by applying small-scale hydroponic system on our home page, along with the left and right of the House that is still empty or may be done on a hanging terrace House or home page.

Virtually all plants can be grown in hydroponics. But the thing we have to look at the type and nature of the plants when done in hydroponics. Can we apply the system of growing plants such as mango which takes a long time and have strong roots and stalks and large? Who are the media, nutrition care and others? Of course, we cannot do.

May ask, then what are the plants that can be grown with hydroponics system?

If we look from a variety of hydroponic systems that has been there and has been done by farmers or home classroom hydroponics, below we will describe a variety of plants that can be grown in hydroponics.

The range of Hydroponic Plants is done in hydroponics.

Types of Hydroponic vegetables include Pokey, mustard greens, spinach, kale, lettuce, Kai-, Slade, and others.

Janis fruits include cucumber, melon, pepper, tomatoes, eggplants and others.

Types of plants and herbs such as mint, basil, cilantro, and others

This kind of plant flowers such as orchids, roses can also be done in hydroponics.

All kinds of plants can be grown using hydroponics system.
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Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Cultivation Of Plants Without Soil (Hydroponic Make Money)

There may be some of you who are still confused with the hydroponic way planting system. Hydroponics (Hydroponic) comes from the word Greece referring to Hydro (water) and Panos (power) or also called "soilless culture" of planting without soil media. The hydroponic system was first discovered by Dr. w. f. Geri Che from the University of California in 1936. Usually, hydroponics used in land or land used for growing hydroponic narrow, so be one of the solutions to farming land without media. Press used the assortment include Charcoal Husk, sand, gravel, sponge, Sawdust, water and much more.

Some of the reasons why should be using hydroponic systems: 1. Because of the lack or limited land to be used for farming. When the usual farm must use the spacious grounds with hydroponics, you have limited land can do agricultural activities. It's because of the media used can occupy minimal space is possible. 2. quality and fast-growing plants better than using media area. The plant will grow faster because the water absorption process is constantly done by the root makes the plants can quickly grow and develop. This is because the minerals from the water line can be directly absorbed by the roots and directly used to produce food. 3. No need to wear a fertilizer to his planting media. If the soil media should be  and given fertilizer in advance for the land to become fertile, then hydroponics does not require fertilizer to make a fertile medium. 4. Provide supplemental oxygen in a densely populated urban area population. When a growing number of population growth and the loss of green land that is used as the settlement of citizens then automatically phasic oxygen in the area will be reduced. Hydroponic plants become oxygen sources of household scale can be placed dieters the small house and could even be put in the home. 5. Environmentally friendly with affordability. Material or container that is used can use plastic waste pipes or plastic bottles according to media and types of plants that will be planted.
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The Benefits Of Soy Beans For Health

Soy is a plant type of nuts and legumes. We are accustomed to consuming soybeans in the form of refined, such as tempeh, tofu, soy milk, douchi, bean curd, fermented beans, soy sauce and many more others. Perhaps many say food and tofu are among the usual food, but judging from the content of its nutrition value of soy-based foods, it turned out to be very high.

What is the nutrient content of soy beans?

Fat, soy bean itself has the fat content, but the fat content that resides in it are the unsaturated fats such as linolenic acid and the omega three acids. Its specialty is the presence of omega 3.

Soy protein, very rich in protein content. Vegetable protein content in soybeans in this highly recommend for vegetarians. The function of these proteins is crucial to help build cells that exist in the body.

Fiber, we might think the only fiber is found in fruits, but in fact has 8 grams of soy fiber, soy has yet to experience the time of processing.

Calcium, Soy is an excellent source of calcium when you compare it with a variety of nuts. However, the treatment of soybeans is also capable of influencing the content of calcium.

Lecithin, he will produce the compounds choline. These compounds are very useful for the body's metabolism, even substances choline metabolism of fat that will help are often bogged down in the liver. Choline will protect the organ's heart.

Also, soy beans are also a food source of vitamin A, vitamin B complex, and vitamin E, as well as phosphorus, magnesium, iron, too.

The benefits of soybean for health

The following is the health benefits that afford you get from soy, such as:

1. increase metabolism. Soy vegetable protein source that is very high. When you have a very lovely protein in the body, any metabolic functions will grow much greater. The protein itself is the block that serves as the Builder of the cells as well as blood vessels.

2. Healthy Diet. For those of you who want to lose weight healthily, you may try this one nut; soy can reduce appetite, so that will help You to reduce excessive eating habits.

3. Suppression of cancer. Soy beans contain antioxidants so well to decrease the risk of various kinds of cancer. One of them is breast cancer. The antioxidants are also useful to neutralize free radicals. Free radicals can cause healthy cells mutate into cancer cells.

4. Maintaining heart health. Soy does have the fat content, but not saturated fat, foods that have no saturated fat content will help to lower excess cholesterol.

5. Menopause. When the woman stepped on menopause, estrogen levels in the body will decline significantly. Soy beans will be able to decrease menopausal symptoms such as mood has changed drastically, even more hungry. Menopause can be a time that was so traumatic for many women, but soy can be a surefire way to cope with this transition.

6. Osteoporosis. The high calcium content of making soy as one of the foods to strengthen gulag and prevent known as osteoporosis. Also, the contains Phytoestrogens that Act strengthens bones. As well as protein content to avoid the expenditure of calcium through urine.

7. Prevent anemia. Tempe is one of processed soy which is rich in nutrients and benefits. One of its advantages is preventing anemia or a lack of red blood cells. This is because in addition to the iron content of temple also was able to increase the activity of the vitamin B12 plays a role in the formation of red blood cells.

8. Diabetes mellitus. Fiber, vitamin B complex, as well as the content of acid makes soy being perfect foods for diabetics. The content of the fibers also helps control blood sugar levels.

9. Healthy digestion. The fiber content in soy beans and petrol products help abdominal muscle contraction thus preventing constipation. Content can also stop diarrhea.

10. Anti-aging. As foods rich in fiber, soy beans contain more antioxidants. If consumed on a regular basis can prevent premature aging. But it must be coupled with a healthy lifestyle and exercise routine.

11. Other benefits. Soybeans also contain a functioning magnesium regulates blood pressure. The content of also serves to maintain the strength of bones and teeth.
Attention: soya beans were containing transparent medium (50 – 100 mg)/100 g should be consumed in much mediocre because it can lead to gout.
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The benefits of Peppers for health and cancer

Have you ever heard the term Chili Peppers or paprika, spicy, how does it feel? not too spicy right? It turns out the bell pepper plant has the Latin name Capsicum annuum l. originates from the South American continent and thrives in this country of Hungary, is now widely known because many of the benefits and usefulness for such culinary barbecue or to alternative medicine. Also the plant paprika can be planted with its hydroponic system.

Latest News found that the benefits of peppers apparently can prevent cancer currently being the scourge of the Ummah of men. It is said that the cancer disease reportedly continues to threaten the lives of human beings that makes us have to be bright inset diet and mindset of the emergence of the illness because the majority of the food we consumed, and the body the less intake of nutrients from the food consumed also result in of the body exposed to the disease, and one of them is cancer.

The Benefits Of Peppers To Prevent Cancer

According to scientific research turns the peppers contain Betacarotene trusted can ward off cancer that attacked humans, Betacarotene highly potent in preventing lung cancer and skin cancer.

Beta carotene is natural anti-OKs Dan has efficacy as the essence of the carbon radical controlled will ward off free radicals derived from air pollution around us. The content of most vegetables betacarotene Peppers is on the skin. Same is the case with plants, in General, the more concentrated or old color paprika then beta carotene content in it higher.

The peppers also contain likopen. According to a study from Yale University with a sample of 473 men and the results were amazing! It was found that men who lack likopen so vulnerable were exposed to attack prostate cancer. The research indicates that paprika highly potent against prostate cancer. There is also research on the health benefits of peppers to IE could ward off cancer porhibit, Paprikan entry in members of the genus Capsicum which means it has a nutty taste despite losing with chili, but the content of vitamin and nutrition, as well as lycopene antioxidant in paprika, believed to prevent cancer.

Besides the level of beta-carotene and antioxidants contained in the paprika is nine times larger than the vegetables in General. Scientifically proven red peppers contain vitamin C which is great and so is the green peppers. Beta-carotene is an antioxidant that may play a significant role in reducing the concentration of radical perks. Ability to work as a beta-carotene antioxidant derived from to stabilize kernel carbon radical. Because beta-carotene is effective in low levels of oxygen, beta carotene can complement the antioxidant properties of vitamin E that is effective under high oxygen concentration.

Family vegetable chili is also contained vitamin B6, which means the benefits of peppers for health is to improve the health of the brain and can increase one's power of concentration, vitamin B6 can form networks of protein, red blood cells and hormones that can improve human health. Hopefully useful ...
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The Benefits Of Celery Leaves For Herbal Treatment

Have you ever known a celery leaves? Celery apparently has many advantages for herbal medicine.

Benefits of Celery with leaves which are often called sop has a latin name Apium graveolens. This celery leaves in use by many people as one of the seasoning. Celery is already known very long in Indonesia and not in the know for sure from where the origins of the practice of this plant,

History of celery plants goes into Indonesia through the people of Netherlands at the time of colonization, which in those days the plant used as a flavoring soups, thus many people in Indonesia to call this celery leaves as Leaf soup or Soup. In addition to the dishes turned out celery leaves also have the benefits of yanglain especially for the health of the body.

Benefits of celery leaves for health and medicine:

Celery is good for the walls of the stomach and intestinal tract.
Slow the aging process (keeping the youthfulness of the cell)
Maintain flexibility and muscle activity
Treat asthma
Treating diabetes
Helps dissolve the calcium in the body
Launched blood flow
Neutralize the acid the body
Protecting the brain and nervous system
treating arthritis
Treat neuritis
treating rheumatism
Lowering blood pressure
Maintain weight

Okey, now we already can know clearly  and efficacy of celery leaves. Next is up to you which apparently these plants can be purchased easily in the traditional market, plant himself was very easy by utilizing our yard by using pot and poly bag, even by way of using the hydroponic media cocopeat husk and charcoal. May be useful.
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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

How to plant sunflower seeds and the benefits for health

True to its name, this flower is the flower that is very similar to the light of the world at a time during the day that is the Sun has the latin name Helianthus annuus Linn and entered in the Compositae family allied with Aloe Vera. The growing interest has always led to the solar rays, has a different type so you can select them according to your taste. If you want it as decorating your home, then you should understand very well how to plant the sunflowers so that you can see it in bloom beautifully.

The meaning of flowers of the sun itself has many interpretations but commonly symbolized the warmth and admiration, is also considered a sign of longevity so sunflower has many meanings so deep. Wisdom or wisdom, strength or strength or sincerity, and sincerity is the definition of other sunflowers.

Part of the sunflower is often used for the healing process is the root, leaves, flowers and seeds. Sunflower roots efficacious for treating urinary tract infections, inflammation of the respiratory tract or bronchitis, whooping cough or pertussis, whitish or leucorrhoe. Part of the flower itself is beneficial for the treatment of high blood pressure, reduces pain in headache, dizziness, toothache, menstrual pain or stomach pain or dysmenorrhoe, gastric pain, sore breasts or mastitis, rheumatik or arthritis and also used to ease pregnant women in childbirth. One more thing of course the benefits of sunflower seeds that are a healthy snack.

The following tips to plant sunflowers from seed to bloom that you can use as a guide when want to cultivate sun flower.

How to plant a sunflower that first, you should be able to distinguish the flowers with seeds sunflower kwaci commonly used as snacks. Of course each type of sunflower seeds has the form. For the sunflower with the kind of mammoth grey, egg white, large size, and has a pattern of black-brown stripe on his seed. For velvet queen, sunflower seeds has a smaller size than the previous flower seeds. For the evening sun, the seed of the flower have color variations, ranging from white to black. So, determine the sunflower which would you plant through form, color, and size of the seed.
How to plant a sunflower that second, when you want to plant a flower, then inevitably must also pay attention to the media of his planting so that the flowers can later grow infertile. As with this solar flower, flower also has a planting medium should you notice, so that the flowers can bloom quickly. Sunflower planting media actually land with any texture because it is easy in planting anywhere, as long as there is water and sunlight is sufficient, then it could quickly grow. But, when you do the seed nursery, then you can use the loose soil and many of his nutritional.

How to plant a sunflower sunflower plants, is not easily broken, then you can cover it with a used bottle of mineral water. Bottle of mineral water are expected to be able to protect it from damage by rainwater or nosy kids hands. In addition, the bottle can provide humidity for plants sunflowers teeny. After a few weeks, must have already grown a few leaves on shoots that covered the bottle of mineral water.
Fifth, when sunflowers are roughly 2 months, you can give her fertilizer at regular intervals so that the flowers can grow lush and away from pests and diseases. At the age of 3 months, then it started to grow on the plant's flower bud. Then to obtain a good interest rate, you can cut the flower shoots are considered less good in its growth. If you are diligent even soaked it 2 times a day and give him the fertilizer on a regular basis, then you can quickly see the sunflowers bloom beautifully in your home garden. Hopefully the information on how to plant the sunflowers that are beneficial to the readers.
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How to plant Chilli Hydroponics in Polybag

Who have never been fed chili? It is certain that everyone in the world to ever eat the Earth on this one. Obstacles often faced by consumers is the price of chilies are not necessarily even tend to experience increased resulting inventory on the market that chilies are insufficient, making it difficult to get the chili. As a solution, the reader can try to cultivate your chillies on the home page. For readers who don't have home pages that are full and careful to use land, can try planting chilies using the hydroponic medium poly bag.

How to plant a chili in hydroponics begins with the first step, i.e. nursery. Select the chilies are cooked and perfectly shaped. Irish the chilies lengthwise to remove the chili seed will serve as a seed. After the seeds are collected, wash clean and soak in water to get the chili seeds are appropriate for the nursery. Chilli seeds that float in water should be immediately discarded due to the poor quality and later can not grow with optimum. After the selection process is finished beans, quickly prepare the seedbed.

The chili seeds are sown will be soaked in water beforehand to trigger the growth of sprouts. While waiting for the process of soaking, readers can prepare the containers for planting and the media to be used. Can be utilized as a container for plastic containers used his condition is still good. How to plant chili hydroponics does not use soil as a growing medium, but rather can use fuel and coco peat husks with a 1:1 comparison. How to plant chili seeds sowed next hydroponics that has soaked into the container for evenly and covered with a thin plastic to prevent the seeds of disruption. Place the container in a location that is moist and avoid exposure to direct sunlight.
Chilli seeds that have been sown for a week, in General, has germinated and is ready for the start directly exposed to sunlight to strengthen the growth of the seedlings. So later plants chilies can bear fruit more quickly, we recommend that readers cut the ends of the branches leaf if the true leaves have grown. After the seedling has been successful, it's time the reader learn how to plant chili seeds of hydroponic pepper next move into a more permanent media namely polybag. Before starting the removal process, users need to prepare a poly bag with a size 40 × 40 cm which has a water drain and certainly has been filled with chaff burn and cocopeat with a rate of 1:1.

How cropping hydroponic pepper the removal process by selecting seed chili that has true leaves have some 4 to 5 strands of healthy and good shape. Then immediately move the seeds that have been selected into the poly bag carefully. Should any one fruit seedling planted poly bag so that the growth of each seed is not mutually interfering with growth. After completion of the planted, immediately flush with enough water to make the growth process of seed is getting a good deal. Readers who are familiar with how to plant chili hydroponics is time knowing how to plant care chili.
How the cultivation of hydroponic pepper need proper care, such as flushing the water regularly to maintain freshness and plant growth. Also, readers need to keep the plants in particular parts of the leaves of disruption of pests which can be bad for plant growth. So the author's explanations about how to plant chili hydroponics, hopefully, can be an essential reference in the culture plant chilies.
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How to plant a simple hydroponics in lawns

How to plant a simple hydroponics in lawns

The writings of this time contain information how to plant hydroponics are simple and can be done in your home. Hydroponics is how or techniques to farm using soil or growing medium is none other than ground. Hydroponic plants can be either media chaff burn, cocopeat, sand pebbles and rock wool can, etc. How to plant a hydroponics can be done anywhere e.g. on your home page, their vessels can use whatever pots, drums, paint cans or even former mineral bottles.

How to plant a hydroponics is actually very fit to be applied in urban areas or urban areas, due to the many benefits including cost-efficient and environmentally friendly place. An example of a very natural hydroponic plants for planting by planting vegetable hydroponic is a type of leaves such as mustard greens, kale, Kai-, celery, Basil and other
Things to look for in the way the plant is Hydroponic growing mediums and hydroponic nutrients hydroponic fertilizers or. Make sure the planting medium shaft so that enough water and nutrients can be absorbed by plant roots but also sturdy enough to prop up crop hydroponics.
Stages of planting hydroponics

1. Seeding Seed
For seeds on tray or container for the seeds, use a germinasinya level above 80%. Media for good and commonly used is rockwool. Rockwool is very practical because it has a high water absorption and sterile. If the seed has been quite an age relocated to plantation media

2. Preparation of the planting media
Use a planting medium shaft could be a mixture of chaff and gravel sand or a combination of rock wool and sand pebbles. Place the growing medium on the desired container such as a pot or cans.

3. grant Nutrition
Use proper hydroponics nutrients, the nutrients in hydroponic planting is essential for plant growth. You could be making your own or buying hydroponics nutrients on the market. Granting of nutrients could be by way of manual flush in the morning and the afternoon, or if you want more practical, you could try planting hydroponics system with axes or wick, please check on the image. Axis (can be of cotton, Wick stoves or rags) will circulate nutrients to all parts of the plant. This wick technique is one simple hydroponic technique.

4. Treatment
Hydroponic system care essentially does not differ greatly with the treatment on a conventional system of planting such as pruning, cleaning weeds etc.
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