Tuesday, May 10, 2016

How to plant Chilli Hydroponics in Polybag

Who have never been fed chili? It is certain that everyone in the world to ever eat the Earth on this one. Obstacles often faced by consumers is the price of chilies are not necessarily even tend to experience increased resulting inventory on the market that chilies are insufficient, making it difficult to get the chili. As a solution, the reader can try to cultivate your chillies on the home page. For readers who don't have home pages that are full and careful to use land, can try planting chilies using the hydroponic medium poly bag.

How to plant a chili in hydroponics begins with the first step, i.e. nursery. Select the chilies are cooked and perfectly shaped. Irish the chilies lengthwise to remove the chili seed will serve as a seed. After the seeds are collected, wash clean and soak in water to get the chili seeds are appropriate for the nursery. Chilli seeds that float in water should be immediately discarded due to the poor quality and later can not grow with optimum. After the selection process is finished beans, quickly prepare the seedbed.

The chili seeds are sown will be soaked in water beforehand to trigger the growth of sprouts. While waiting for the process of soaking, readers can prepare the containers for planting and the media to be used. Can be utilized as a container for plastic containers used his condition is still good. How to plant chili hydroponics does not use soil as a growing medium, but rather can use fuel and coco peat husks with a 1:1 comparison. How to plant chili seeds sowed next hydroponics that has soaked into the container for evenly and covered with a thin plastic to prevent the seeds of disruption. Place the container in a location that is moist and avoid exposure to direct sunlight.
Chilli seeds that have been sown for a week, in General, has germinated and is ready for the start directly exposed to sunlight to strengthen the growth of the seedlings. So later plants chilies can bear fruit more quickly, we recommend that readers cut the ends of the branches leaf if the true leaves have grown. After the seedling has been successful, it's time the reader learn how to plant chili seeds of hydroponic pepper next move into a more permanent media namely polybag. Before starting the removal process, users need to prepare a poly bag with a size 40 × 40 cm which has a water drain and certainly has been filled with chaff burn and cocopeat with a rate of 1:1.

How cropping hydroponic pepper the removal process by selecting seed chili that has true leaves have some 4 to 5 strands of healthy and good shape. Then immediately move the seeds that have been selected into the poly bag carefully. Should any one fruit seedling planted poly bag so that the growth of each seed is not mutually interfering with growth. After completion of the planted, immediately flush with enough water to make the growth process of seed is getting a good deal. Readers who are familiar with how to plant chili hydroponics is time knowing how to plant care chili.
How the cultivation of hydroponic pepper need proper care, such as flushing the water regularly to maintain freshness and plant growth. Also, readers need to keep the plants in particular parts of the leaves of disruption of pests which can be bad for plant growth. So the author's explanations about how to plant chili hydroponics, hopefully, can be an essential reference in the culture plant chilies.
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