Tuesday, May 10, 2016

How to plant sunflower seeds and the benefits for health

True to its name, this flower is the flower that is very similar to the light of the world at a time during the day that is the Sun has the latin name Helianthus annuus Linn and entered in the Compositae family allied with Aloe Vera. The growing interest has always led to the solar rays, has a different type so you can select them according to your taste. If you want it as decorating your home, then you should understand very well how to plant the sunflowers so that you can see it in bloom beautifully.

The meaning of flowers of the sun itself has many interpretations but commonly symbolized the warmth and admiration, is also considered a sign of longevity so sunflower has many meanings so deep. Wisdom or wisdom, strength or strength or sincerity, and sincerity is the definition of other sunflowers.

Part of the sunflower is often used for the healing process is the root, leaves, flowers and seeds. Sunflower roots efficacious for treating urinary tract infections, inflammation of the respiratory tract or bronchitis, whooping cough or pertussis, whitish or leucorrhoe. Part of the flower itself is beneficial for the treatment of high blood pressure, reduces pain in headache, dizziness, toothache, menstrual pain or stomach pain or dysmenorrhoe, gastric pain, sore breasts or mastitis, rheumatik or arthritis and also used to ease pregnant women in childbirth. One more thing of course the benefits of sunflower seeds that are a healthy snack.

The following tips to plant sunflowers from seed to bloom that you can use as a guide when want to cultivate sun flower.

How to plant a sunflower that first, you should be able to distinguish the flowers with seeds sunflower kwaci commonly used as snacks. Of course each type of sunflower seeds has the form. For the sunflower with the kind of mammoth grey, egg white, large size, and has a pattern of black-brown stripe on his seed. For velvet queen, sunflower seeds has a smaller size than the previous flower seeds. For the evening sun, the seed of the flower have color variations, ranging from white to black. So, determine the sunflower which would you plant through form, color, and size of the seed.
How to plant a sunflower that second, when you want to plant a flower, then inevitably must also pay attention to the media of his planting so that the flowers can later grow infertile. As with this solar flower, flower also has a planting medium should you notice, so that the flowers can bloom quickly. Sunflower planting media actually land with any texture because it is easy in planting anywhere, as long as there is water and sunlight is sufficient, then it could quickly grow. But, when you do the seed nursery, then you can use the loose soil and many of his nutritional.

How to plant a sunflower sunflower plants, is not easily broken, then you can cover it with a used bottle of mineral water. Bottle of mineral water are expected to be able to protect it from damage by rainwater or nosy kids hands. In addition, the bottle can provide humidity for plants sunflowers teeny. After a few weeks, must have already grown a few leaves on shoots that covered the bottle of mineral water.
Fifth, when sunflowers are roughly 2 months, you can give her fertilizer at regular intervals so that the flowers can grow lush and away from pests and diseases. At the age of 3 months, then it started to grow on the plant's flower bud. Then to obtain a good interest rate, you can cut the flower shoots are considered less good in its growth. If you are diligent even soaked it 2 times a day and give him the fertilizer on a regular basis, then you can quickly see the sunflowers bloom beautifully in your home garden. Hopefully the information on how to plant the sunflowers that are beneficial to the readers.
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