Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Cultivation Of Plants Without Soil (Hydroponic Make Money)

There may be some of you who are still confused with the hydroponic way planting system. Hydroponics (Hydroponic) comes from the word Greece referring to Hydro (water) and Panos (power) or also called "soilless culture" of planting without soil media. The hydroponic system was first discovered by Dr. w. f. Geri Che from the University of California in 1936. Usually, hydroponics used in land or land used for growing hydroponic narrow, so be one of the solutions to farming land without media. Press used the assortment include Charcoal Husk, sand, gravel, sponge, Sawdust, water and much more.

Some of the reasons why should be using hydroponic systems: 1. Because of the lack or limited land to be used for farming. When the usual farm must use the spacious grounds with hydroponics, you have limited land can do agricultural activities. It's because of the media used can occupy minimal space is possible. 2. quality and fast-growing plants better than using media area. The plant will grow faster because the water absorption process is constantly done by the root makes the plants can quickly grow and develop. This is because the minerals from the water line can be directly absorbed by the roots and directly used to produce food. 3. No need to wear a fertilizer to his planting media. If the soil media should be  and given fertilizer in advance for the land to become fertile, then hydroponics does not require fertilizer to make a fertile medium. 4. Provide supplemental oxygen in a densely populated urban area population. When a growing number of population growth and the loss of green land that is used as the settlement of citizens then automatically phasic oxygen in the area will be reduced. Hydroponic plants become oxygen sources of household scale can be placed dieters the small house and could even be put in the home. 5. Environmentally friendly with affordability. Material or container that is used can use plastic waste pipes or plastic bottles according to media and types of plants that will be planted.
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