Monday, May 9, 2016

How To Grow Melons Simple Hydroponics

How to plant melon hydroponics-hydroponic Plant are now planting technique has become a modern developed by modern farmers. Using this method, farmers do not need to provide the land. Media area can be replaced with chaff, wood, powder or other media. Usually, a plant often cultivated in hydroponics is vegetables. However, it turns out the fruits can also be grown in hydroponics, which are the fruits of melon. How to plant melon hydroponics is very simple and can easily be followed by everyone.

With this planting technique, your attention is devoted in the sensitivity of the plant in absorbing nutrients. The only nutrients obtained from plants grown in hydroponics is from the water of nutrients. So, this needs to be got special attention.

How To Grow Melons In Hydroponics
How to plant melon hydroponics is very simple. In addition to nutrients, important things that you should notice is the seeding technique. Make sure the seeds are sown seed is best. How to know what is the seed or seeds of the melon is quality or not is by way of soaking. Good seeds will sink, and the bad seeds will float.

The next step, the seedbed can be done in a container containing a wet cotton swab that is placed in a container. Let sit for two to three days. Be sure to always keep the surface moist cotton seeds to get the best. Stages of seeding are actually almost equal to planting melons in General. However, the media did not use the land.

After getting the best hydroponic plant seed melon, you can and began to sow them in hydroponic. Make sure during the crop growing, water tank of nutrients is always in good condition. All the circuit water flow from the reservoir to the media the media should not be disturbed planting so that melon hydroponics can grow well.

Is it very easy not to plant fruit with hydroponic techniques? One of the advantages of planting with this method is the cost is cheaper compared to planting a conventionally. You don't have to open a vast land for farming. The case is a simple explanation about how to plant melon hydroponics.
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