Monday, May 9, 2016

Learning Hydroponics For Beginners

What Is Hydroponics?

Hydroponics (hydroponic) known as the cultivation of plants without soil (soilless culture). So hydroponic farming means that utilizes water without the use of soil as planting media. This technique a lot is done on a small scale as a hobby among the people in Indonesia. But not this much now cultivated for commercial business scale. In this case, the selection of the type of plants that will be planted to be aware of, because not all agricultural output worth economically.

The types of plants that have a high economic value to cultivated in hydroponics include bell peppers, tomatoes, Pepper, Cucumber, Melon/Water Melon, Eggplant-strongman, Lettuce, etc.

In hydroponics, food needs for the plant commonly called nutrients. These nutrients created by experts based on the calculation that a mature and balanced to produce fruit or vegetable production is high. These nutrients can also be made depending on the type of plant with purpose so that nutrients can be absorbed by the plant optimally and of course aims for cost efficiency and optimization of the results of production.

Hidroponikpun fitting for your hobby farming but do not have enough land. Why? Because with your hydroponic system simply had a little courtyard or a place that is roughly sufficient to be occupied pots, basins, polybags, containers of used paint, etc.

Planting media.

Commonly used in hydroponic cultivation is rock wool, husk, cocopeat/coconut saber (suitable for the area of heat), foam, etc.

Uniqueness in Hydroponics

I am interested in hydroponic cultivation is its uniqueness. How does?  Unique way could see how its roots clearly are seen dangling in the water of nutrients. Can use any unused origin could be to hold water.
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