Thursday, April 28, 2016

The Easy Way To Make Your Own Hydroponics Nutrients Fertilizers

The easy way to Make your hydroponics nutrients Fertilizers – You are currently more a hobby in hydroponic farming have thought to make Fertilizer or fertilizer Mix AB Hydroponic Own??. Yup rather than issuing a spend no small amount just to buy fertilizer or hydroponics nutrients there is no harm to try to make it your own, besides saving money certainly is no satisfaction if to make Fertilizer or hydroponics nutrients in your home. Here's how to make your Hydroponics nutrient solution.


Prepare the Fertilizer Urea 1000 gr.
Prepare the KCL Fertilizer 1000 gr.
Prepare a Fertilizer NPK 1000 gr.
Prepare leaf Fertilizer (Growmore) 50 gr.

The equipment is ready:

Make a Bucket 20 Liters volume.
Prepare a 100-volume liter plastic Drum
Make your digital scales
Make a Tool mixer
Make well water, river water,
Make the water is not allowed unless it has already deposited during 7-10 days.

How to make a Hydroponic nutrient solution:

First of all, insert the all the ingredients that have weighed into the bucket 20 liters volume. Then Pour water wells by as much as 20 liters into the bucket little by little while stirring – stir continue stirring until the water reaches a capacity of 20 liters and no more fertilizers are still crystallized (no deposits). After that pour the solution into the tub last shelter volume 100 liters. Then Kucurkan well water into the tub while stirring shelter – stir it up to full (reach 100 liters volume). And now the nutrient solution is ready to use.
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